{% extends "customers/view.html" %} {% load i18n %} {% block third_column %}
{% csrf_token %}
{% include "form_field_snippet.html" with field=form.name %} {% include "form_field_snippet.html" with field=form.phone %} {% include "form_field_snippet.html" with field=form.email %} {% include "form_field_snippet.html" with field=form.street_address %} {% include "form_field_snippet.html" with field=form.zip_code %} {% include "form_field_snippet.html" with field=form.city %} {% include "form_field_snippet.html" with field=form.is_company %}
{% include "form_field_snippet.html" with field=form.parent %} {% include "form_field_snippet.html" with field=form.country %} {% for p in customer.contactinfo_set.all %}
{% endfor %}
{% include "form_field_snippet.html" with field=form.photo %} {% include "form_field_snippet.html" with field=form.groups %} {% include "form_field_snippet.html" with field=form.notes %}
{% include "form_buttons.html" %}
{% endblock third_column %}