{% extends "accounts/orders.html" %} {% load i18n %} {% block first_column %} {% endblock first_column %} {% block second_row %}
{% csrf_token %}
{% include "form_field_snippet.html" with field=form.location %} {% include "form_field_snippet.html" with field=form.queues %} {% include "form_field_snippet.html" with field=form.should_notify %} {% include "form_field_snippet.html" with field=form.notify_by_email %} {% include "form_field_snippet.html" with field=form.autoprint %} {% include "form_field_snippet.html" with field=form.photo %}
{% include "form_field_snippet.html" with field=form.locale %} {% include "form_field_snippet.html" with field=form.region %} {% include "form_field_snippet.html" with field=form.timezone %}
{% include "form_field_snippet.html" with field=form.password1 %} {% include "form_field_snippet.html" with field=form.password2 %}
{% include "form_field_snippet.html" with field=form.tech_id %} {% include "form_field_snippet.html" with field=form.gsx_userid %} {% include "form_field_snippet.html" with field=form.gsx_password %} {% include "form_field_snippet.html" with field=form.gsx_poprefix %}
{% include "form_buttons.html" %}
{% endblock second_row %} {% block crumbs %}
  • {% trans "Settings" %}
  • {% endblock crumbs %}