# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (c) 2013, First Party Software # All rights reserved. # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, # are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation # and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" # AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE # IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR # CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT # OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) # HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, # WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) # ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF # SUCH DAMAGE. import re import gsxws from os.path import basename from django_countries import countries from django.core.validators import RegexValidator from django.db import models from django.conf import settings from django.core.files import File from django.core.cache import cache from django.dispatch import receiver from django.utils.text import slugify from django.contrib.sites.models import Site from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse from django.db.models.signals import post_save from django.contrib.contenttypes.fields import GenericRelation from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType from django.contrib.sites.managers import CurrentSiteManager from servo import defaults from servo.validators import sn_validator from servo.models import GsxAccount, Product, DeviceGroup, TaggedItem class Device(models.Model): """ The serviceable device """ site = models.ForeignKey(Site, editable=False, default=defaults.site_id) # @TODO: unique=True would be nice, but complicated... sn = models.CharField( blank=True, default='', max_length=32, verbose_name=_("Serial Number"), validators=[sn_validator] ) description = models.CharField( max_length=128, default=_("New Device"), verbose_name=_("description") ) brand = models.CharField( blank=True, max_length=128, default=_("Apple"), verbose_name=_("Brand") ) reseller = models.CharField( blank=True, default='', max_length=128, verbose_name=_("Reseller") ) created_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True, null=True) imei = models.CharField( blank=True, default='', max_length=15, verbose_name=_("IMEI Number") ) initial_activation_policy = models.CharField( default='', editable=False, max_length=128, verbose_name=_("Initial Activation Policy") ) applied_activation_policy = models.CharField( default='', editable=False, max_length=128, verbose_name=_("Applied Activation Policy") ) next_tether_policy = models.CharField( default='', editable=False, max_length=128, verbose_name=_("Next Tether Policy") ) unlocked = models.NullBooleanField(default=None, editable=False) slug = models.SlugField(null=True, editable=False, max_length=128) PRODUCT_LINES = gsxws.products.models() LINE_CHOICES = [(k, x['name']) for k, x in PRODUCT_LINES.items()] product_line = models.CharField( max_length=16, default="OTHER", choices=LINE_CHOICES, verbose_name=_("Product Line") ) products = models.ManyToManyField( Product, editable=False, help_text=_('Products that are compatible with this device instance') ) config_code = models.CharField(default='', max_length=8, editable=False) configuration = models.CharField( blank=True, default='', max_length=256, verbose_name=_("configuration") ) WARRANTY_CHOICES = ( ('QP', _("Quality Program")), ('CS', _("Customer Satisfaction")), ('ALW', _("Apple Limited Warranty")), ('APP', _("AppleCare Protection Plan")), ('CC', _("Custom Bid Contracts")), ('CBC', _("Custom Bid Contracts")), # sometimes CC, sometimes CBC? ('WTY', _("3'rd Party Warranty")), ('OOW', _("Out Of Warranty (No Coverage)")), ('NA', _("Unknown")), ) warranty_status = models.CharField( max_length=3, default="NA", choices=WARRANTY_CHOICES, verbose_name=_("Warranty Status") ) username = models.CharField( blank=True, default='', max_length=32, verbose_name=_("username") ) password = models.CharField( blank=True, default='', max_length=32, verbose_name=_("password") ) purchased_on = models.DateField( null=True, blank=True, verbose_name=_("Date of Purchase") ) purchase_country = models.CharField( blank=True, editable=False, max_length=128, choices=countries, default=defaults.country, verbose_name=_("Purchase Country") ) sla_description = models.TextField(null=True, editable=False) has_onsite = models.BooleanField( default=False, help_text=_('Device is eligible for onsite repairs in GSX') ) contract_start_date = models.DateField(null=True, editable=False) contract_end_date = models.DateField(null=True, editable=False) onsite_start_date = models.DateField(null=True, editable=False) onsite_end_date = models.DateField(null=True, editable=False) parts_and_labor_covered = models.BooleanField(default=False, editable=False) notes = models.TextField(blank=True, default="", verbose_name=_("notes")) tags = GenericRelation(TaggedItem) photo = models.ImageField( null=True, blank=True, upload_to="devices", verbose_name=_("photo") ) image_url = models.URLField( null=True, blank=True, verbose_name=_("Image URL") ) manual_url = models.URLField( null=True, blank=True, verbose_name=_("Manual URL") ) exploded_view_url = models.URLField( null=True, blank=True, verbose_name=_("Exploded View") ) is_vintage = models.BooleanField( default=False, verbose_name='vintage', help_text=_('Device is considered vintage in GSX') ) fmip_active = models.BooleanField(default=False, editable=False) objects = CurrentSiteManager() def is_apple_device(self): """ Checks if this is a valid Apple device SN """ valid_sn = gsxws.core.validate(self.sn, 'serialNumber') valid_imei = gsxws.core.validate(self.imei, 'alternateDeviceId') return valid_sn or valid_imei def get_sn(self): return self.sn or self.imei @property def has_warranty(self): return self.warranty_status in ('ALW', 'APP', 'CBC') @property def tag_choices(self): return TaggedItem.objects.filter(content_type__model="device").distinct("tag") def add_tags(self, tags): tags = [x for x in tags if x != ''] # Filter out empty tags if not tags: return content_type = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(Device) for t in tags: tag, created = TaggedItem.objects.get_or_create(content_type=content_type, object_id=self.pk, tag=t) tag.save() def get_icon(self): if re.match('iPad', self.description): return "ipad" if re.match('iPhone', self.description): return "iphone" if re.match('iPod shuffle', self.description): return "ipod_shuffle" if re.match('iPod', self.description): return "ipod" if re.match('MacBook', self.description): return "macbook" return "imac" def set_wty_status(self, status): """ Translates a GSX warranty status description to our internal representation """ if not isinstance(status, basestring): return if re.match(r"Apple Limited", status): self.warranty_status = "ALW" if re.match(r"AppleCare", status): self.warranty_status = "APP" if re.match(r"Customer Satisfaction", status): self.warranty_status = "CSC" if re.match(r"Custom Bid", status): self.warranty_status = "CBC" if re.match(r"Out Of", status): self.warranty_status = "OOW" def to_dict(self): result = {'sn': self.sn} result['description'] = self.description result['warranty_status'] = self.warranty_status result['purchased_on'] = self.purchased_on result['purchase_country'] = self.purchase_country result['username'] = self.username result['password'] = self.password return result @classmethod def from_dict(cls, d): if d.get('_pk'): return cls.objects.get(pk=d['_pk']) device = Device() for k, v in d: if k.startswith('_'): continue setattr(device, k, v) return device def to_gsx(self): if len(self.imei): return gsxws.Product(self.imei) return gsxws.Product(self.sn) @classmethod def from_gsx(cls, sn, device=None, cached=True): """ Initialize new Device with warranty info from GSX Or update existing one """ sn = sn.upper() cache_key = 'device-%s' % sn # Only cache unsaved devices if cached and device is None: if cache.get(cache_key): return cache.get(cache_key) arg = gsxws.validate(sn) if arg not in ("serialNumber", "alternateDeviceId",): raise ValueError(_(u"Invalid input for warranty check: %s") % sn) product = gsxws.Product(sn) wty = product.warranty() model = product.model() if device is None: # serialNumber may sometimes come back empty serial_number = wty.serialNumber or sn device = Device(sn=serial_number) from servo.lib.utils import empty if empty(device.notes): device.notes = wty.notes or '' device.notes += wty.csNotes or '' device.has_onsite = product.has_onsite device.is_vintage = product.is_vintage device.description = product.description device.fmip_active = product.fmip_is_active device.slug = slugify(device.description) device.configuration = wty.configDescription or '' device.purchase_country = wty.purchaseCountry or '' device.config_code = model.configCode device.product_line = model.productLine.replace(" ", "") device.parts_and_labor_covered = product.parts_and_labor_covered device.sla_description = wty.slaGroupDescription or '' device.contract_start_date = wty.contractCoverageStartDate device.contract_end_date = wty.contractCoverageEndDate device.onsite_start_date = wty.onsiteStartDate device.onsite_end_date = wty.onsiteEndDate if wty.estimatedPurchaseDate: device.purchased_on = wty.estimatedPurchaseDate device.image_url = wty.imageURL or '' device.manual_url = wty.manualURL or '' device.exploded_view_url = wty.explodedViewURL or '' if wty.warrantyStatus: device.set_wty_status(wty.warrantyStatus) if product.is_ios: ad = device.get_activation() device.imei = ad.imeiNumber or '' device.unlocked = product.is_unlocked(ad) device.applied_activation_policy = ad.appliedActivationDetails or '' device.initial_activation_policy = ad.initialActivationPolicyDetails or '' device.next_tether_policy = ad.nextTetherPolicyDetails or '' cache.set(cache_key, device) return device def is_mac(self): """ Returns True if this is a Mac """ p = gsxws.Product(self.sn) p.description = self.description return p.is_mac def is_ios(self): """ Returns True if this is an iOS device """ p = gsxws.Product(self.sn) p.description = self.description return p.is_ios def update_gsx_details(self): Device.from_gsx(self.sn, self) self.save() def get_image_url(self): url = 'https://static.servoapp.com/images/products/%s.jpg' % self.slug return self.image_url or url def get_photo(self): try: return self.photo.url except ValueError: return self.get_image_url() def get_fmip_status(self): """ Returns the translated FMiP status """ return _('Active') if self.fmip_active else _('Inactive') def get_coverage_details(self): details = [] if self.sla_description: details.append(_(u'SLA Group: %s') % self.sla_description) if self.has_onsite: details.append(_('This unit is eligible for Onsite Service.')) if self.parts_and_labor_covered: details.append(_('Parts and Labor are covered.')) return details @property def can_create_carryin(self): if self.description == "Non-Serialized Products": # Non-serialized products may have more than one repair return True return self.repair_set.filter(completed_at=None).count() < 1 def get_accessories(self, order): return self.accessory_set.filter(order=order).values_list('name', flat=True) def get_activation(self): return gsxws.Product(self.sn).activation() def get_diagnostics(self, user): """ Fetch GSX iOS or Repair diagnostics based on device type """ GsxAccount.default(user) return self.to_gsx().diagnostics() def get_warranty(self): return gsxws.Product(self.sn).warranty() def get_repairs(self): return gsxws.Product(self.sn).repairs() def get_parts(self): """ Returns GSX parts for a product with this device's serialNumber """ results = {} cache_key = "%s_parts" % self.sn for p in gsxws.Product(self.sn).parts(): product = Product.from_gsx(p) results[product.code] = product cache.set_many(results) cache.set(cache_key, results.values()) return results.values() def import_parts(self): pass def save(self, *args, **kwargs): if self.sn: self.sn = self.sn.strip().upper() self.description = self.description.strip() if self.slug is None: self.slug = slugify(self.description) return super(Device, self).save(*args, **kwargs) def get_absolute_url(self): return reverse('devices-view_device', args=[self.product_line, self.slug, self.pk]) def get_purchase_country(self): # Return device's purchase country, can be 2-letter code (from checkin) or # full country name (from GSX) from django_countries import countries if len(self.purchase_country) > 2: return self.purchase_country return countries.countries.get(self.purchase_country, '') def __unicode__(self): return '%s (%s)' % (self.description, self.sn) class Meta: app_label = "servo" get_latest_by = "id" @receiver(post_save, sender=Device) def device_saved(sender, instance, created, **kwargs): # make sure we have this tag and product category if created: DeviceGroup.objects.get_or_create(title=instance.description) # Update order descriptions for o in instance.order_set.all(): o.description = instance.description o.save()