#! /usr/bin/env python import os import socket import django import requests from base64 import b64encode from string import Template from subprocess import call from six.moves import input assert not os.path.exists('local_settings.py'), 'Local_settings already defined' default_hostname = socket.gethostname() os.environ.setdefault('DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE', 'settings') tpl_url = 'https://gist.githubusercontent.com/filipp/cba2ffecd0d5790f7245/raw/9d5b140ed23c1bbdbadbd5c674d3a00c00d80047/local_settings.py' fh = open('local_settings.py', 'w') print("** Creating local configuration file **") args = {} args['dbadmin'] = input('DB admin username [pgsql]: ') or os.getenv('pgsql') args['dbhost'] = input('1/10 Database host [localhost]: ') or 'localhost' args['dbname'] = input('2/10 Database [servo]: ') or 'servo' args['dbuser'] = input('3/10 DB user [servo]: ') or 'servo' args['dbpwd'] = input('4/10 DB password []: ') or '' assert call(['createuser', args['dbuser'], '-U', args['dbadmin']]) == 0, 'Could not create DB user' assert call(['createdb', args['dbname'], '-U', args['dbadmin'], '-O', args['dbuser']]) == 0, 'Could not create DB' args['secret_key'] = b64encode(os.urandom(32)).decode('utf-8') args['install_locale'] = input('51/10 Locale [sv_SE.UTF-8]: ') or 'sv_SE.UTF-8' default_country = args['install_locale'].split('_')[0] args['install_country'] = input('6/10 Country [%s]: ' % default_country) or default_country default_lang = args['install_locale'].split('_')[1][:2] args['install_language'] = input('7/10 Language [%s]: ' % default_lang) or default_lang args['timezone'] = input('8/10 Timezone [Europe/Stockholm]: ') or 'Europe/Stockholm' args['install_id'] = input('9/10 Installation ID [22]: ') or '22' args['hostname'] = input('10/10 Hostname [%s]: ' % default_hostname) or default_hostname raw = requests.get(tpl_url).text template = Template(raw) s = template.substitute(**args) fh.write(s) fh.close() print("** Setting up database tables **") call(['./manage.py', 'migrate']) call(['psql', '-c', 'ALTER SEQUENCE servo_order_id_seq RESTART WITH 12345', args['dbname'], args['dbuser']]) print("** Creating directories **") call(['./manage.py', 'makedirs']) print("** Creating Super User **") call(['./manage.py', 'createsuperuser']) loc = {} django.setup() # To avoid django.core.exceptions.AppRegistryNotReady: Apps aren't loaded yet. print("** Creating initial Service Location **") loc['title'] = input('1/6 Name [PretendCo Inc]: ') or 'PretendCo Inc' loc['email'] = input('2/6 Email [service@pretendo.com]: ') or 'service@pretendo.com' loc['phone'] = input('3/6 Phone [123456789]: ') or '123456789' loc['address'] = input('4/6 Address [Somestreet 1]: ') or 'Somestreet 1' loc['zip_code'] = input('5/6 Postal code [1234]: ') or '1234' loc['city'] = input('6/6 City [Stockholm]: ') or 'Stockholm' from servo.models.common import Location from servo.models.account import User first_loc = Location(**loc) first_loc.save() su = User.objects.filter(pk=1).update(location=first_loc) print("** Creating self-signed SSL certificate **") subj = "/C=%s/ST=%s/L=%s/O=%s/OU=%s/CN=%s" % ( args['install_country'], loc['city'], loc['city'], loc['title'], loc['title'], args['hostname'] ) call(['openssl', 'req', '-nodes', '-x509', '-newkey', 'rsa:2048', '-days', '365', '-subj', subj, '-keyout', 'servo.key', '-out', 'servo.crt']) print(""" Your Servo installation is ready for action at https://%s. For testing purposes, you can also run it with ./manage runserver. """ % args['hostname'])