require "plist" require "sinatra" require "open-uri" @@url = ARGV[0] # the URL of index.sucatalog def update @@products = # the array holding all the available updates begin p "Loading catalog from #{@@url}..." @@plist = Plist::parse_xml(open(@@url)) p "#{@@plist['Products'].count} total products found" rescue OpenURI::HTTPError p "Failed to connect to #{@@url}" exit end @@plist['Products'].each do |k, v| begin size = 0 prod = mdurl = v['ServerMetadataURL']; md = Plist::parse_xml(open(mdurl)) prod['PostDate'] = v['PostDate'] prod['date'] = v['PostDate'].strftime("%d.%m.%y") prod['version'] = md['CFBundleShortVersionString'] prod['title'] = md['localization']['English']['title'] psize = 0 v['Packages'].each do |p| if p['Size'] > psize prod['url'] = p['URL'] end psize = p['Size'] size += p['Size'] end prod['mdurl'] = mdurl prod['size'] = size/1024/1024 @@products.push(prod) rescue OpenURI::HTTPError, NoMethodError # just ignore end end # sort by date, desc @@products = @@products.sort_by { |p| p['PostDate'] } @@products.reverse! @@title = "#{@@products.count} updates in Software Update Depot" end update() get "/" do erb:index end get "/reload" do update() redirect "/", 303 end