##Welcome## Auditron is a tool for collecting information about Macs via email and then reporting the results. It's useful for remote troubleshooting or even performing remote audits of offices running unmanaged Macs. ##How it works## The user launches the application which runs system_profiler and either tells the user's mail agent (currently Mail.app and Entourage are supported) to create a new email with the System Profiler report as an attachment. The user can save the profile somewhere in case the mailer is not identified. The results can then easily reported on by using the File > Compare Results command. This scans a directory for any compressed SPX files and builds a report which can then be exported as a CSV file. ##Configuration## After the first run, the user is presented with a dialog to set the name and address of the recipient of the report. This information is stored in the *application bundle itself* so an admin can just distribute the app without the users having to configure it themselves. The address and name can also be set by choosing Auditrong > Preferences. ##Bugs and limitations## Currently only a very small subset of the SP report can be reported.